Thursday, April 15, 2010



bile all my friends story diaorg memang very close with abah dorang...itu ini minta pendapat+pandangan+nasihat abah...semua akan tanya abah diorg(abah macam mane nie/abah boleh ke saya pilih tu/abah itu..abah ini)...tapi aku?????hmmmm......aku tak tahu macam mana kasih sayang dari seorang yang bergelar abah...
aku memang admit, aku sangat giler jeles dengan korang yang sangat close dengan abah korang..
but...bile aku muhasabah diri..maybe ade hikmah..aku close gile dengan mak..
mak..adik sayang gile kat mak..even, kadang2 aku ade tinggi suare..terlepas...oopsstt..minta maaf mak...

kawan2..aku sangat jeles dengan korang....:D


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

hopefully...will shine again....

muahahahhahaha..title mau tacing..wakluu..mmg tacing ni..hohohoho..=D

PR....btol kew keputusan kitorg..hurm.....kadang2 kan..ade hikmah nape Allah kasik ak kembar..if x..xtau la..korg pun tau kan...but..anything happen life must be go on..ak slalu suh korg be ngn ipa kene cam tu gak kan..

muahhahahahahahhahahah..peace no war...syg makkkk!!!!

nak mak ak syum cam ni slalu...=)


Monday, January 11, 2010

assalamualaikum...dear beloved PR

weyh...rindu sgt kat korg..huhu..kitorg dlm dilema ni kengkawan..huhu..
jeles tgk korg dapat further stdy tanpa sebrg probs..huhu..
kitorg nak sgt further stdy full time..but korg pun tau mslh kitorg..
waa...kdg rase nak ngs pun ade.....
doa2kan kitorg dpat wat the right choose babe..
ape2 pun..sentiasa love sgta kat korg..bety..hepy belated bufday...
lega dgr ko epy2 kat sane..antra kitorg..ko yg further dulu kan...
tu hikmah slame ni weyh..muahahhahaha..
TO all PR...kakaro& papro love u guys..damn much!!!
P/S: tgk la pic tuh..hahahahhaha..;D

love: kakaro..;)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

the beginning of ne journey

to all my dear PR. i just finished my induction week. what an exhausted week i went through. but it is not as tough as we had through when we were in BMI. but i still had some fun. for the last day of the week they have organized a culture club. my club is echo n we were given a task to play the theater musical of a hindustan song hahahaha! kuch kuch ho ta hai! u know me...a drama queen..hahaha i really enjoyed that momment. ok...back to my first day in MIAT. i was surprise when my mom told me that Syafiq was here. huhu...i was just speechless. and the same thing also happen to him..he was shocked and no words come from him when he looked at me. what on earth should i be his coursemate and even a classmate for 3 years onwards? huhu...i dont know what game is this. but i hope this gonna be alright since he has been nice to me for now. my dear PR just wish me luck..huhu. i got a friend named mariam...and she reminds me to caca, serius sheet her face and the way she thinks is like caca. mariam is from kajang, she is also my bestfriend. another one is leen. she is so sweet..she come from aloq staq kedah very, innocent girl. and i think she is like gadis melayu terakhir...very shy n polite...the other one is ain..she is from keramat..she is very stylish and friendly and talkative also...same to mariam..we all in the same class...i m lucky to have them but never forget my beloved PR. hope can meet u all up cos i miss u guys damn much...

with <3 bety

Sunday, January 3, 2010

bety....kitorg syg dow kat ko....
nape ko sedey2 ni???
